The Workers Monthly. Vol. 4 No. 5. March, 1925.

The Workers Monthly. Vol. 4 No. 5. March, 1925.

Contents: The British Conference on World Trade Union Unity by Wm. Z. Foster, Class and Klan in Herrin by Thurber Lewis, Kellogg in Paris – Johnson in the Senate by Alexander Bittelman, Severino by T.J. O’Flaherty, Ten Years of the Amalgamated by P. Yuditch, Negroes In American Industry by William F. Dunne, The Prison Story of the Wobblies by Harrison George, The Communists Take the Lead in Minnesota by C.A. Hathaway, March – the Month of Revolution, Industrial Depression or Prosperity? by Earl R. Browder, Douarnenez the Pride of All France, Lenin and the New Wave of Marxism by Manuel Gomez, Drama for Winter Night (Poem) by Langston Hughes, Canada and the British Empire by Tim Buck, The Carpenters Face Their Leaders by J.W. Johnstone, History of the Russian Communist Party II) The Struggle Between Populism and Marxism by Gregory Zinoviev, The International.

The Workers Monthly began publishing in 1924 as a merger of the ‘Liberator’, the Trade Union Educational League magazine ‘Labor Herald’, and Friends of Soviet Russia’s monthly ‘Soviet Russia Pictorial’ as an explicitly Party publication. The magazine carried long-form and international articles, theoretical works, as well as reviews, communiques, and reports. In 1927 Workers Monthly ceased and the Communist Party began publishing The Communist as its theoretical magazine. Editors included Earl Browder and Max Bedacht as the magazine continued the Liberator’s use of graphics and art.

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