The Revolutionary Age. Vol. 1 No. 16. February 1, 1919. Liebknecht-Luxemburg Memorial Number.

A powerful and historic issue of Revolutionary Age. Online texts of the contributions by Lenin, Luxemburg, and John Reed linked below. Though the translations are somewhat different.

The Revolutionary Age. Vol. 1 No. 16. February 1, 1919. Liebknecht-Luxemburg Memorial Number.

Contents: They are not Dead O Comrades! by Louis C. Fraina, Editorials, The Class Struggle During the War by Rosa Luxemburg, The Communist Party of Germany (Report of Karl Radek), The Left Wing in the American Socialist Party by Nicholas I. Hourwich, To Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg by Maximilian Cohen, Karl Liebknecht and the International by Nicholai Lenin, A Tribute from the Far East to the Martyrs by By Sen Katayama, Tchitcherin’s Report to the Fifth Soviet Congress July 1918, Prospects of the Proletarian Dictatorship by Richard Hansen, Karl Liebknecht’s Words by John Reed.

The Revolutionary Age (not to be confused with the 1930s Lovestone group paper of the same name) was a weekly first for the Socialist Party’s Boston Local begun in November, 1918. Under the editorship of early US Communist Louis C. Fraina, and writers like Scott Nearing and John Reed, the paper became the national organ of the SP’s Left Wing Section, embracing the Bolshevik Revolution and a new International. In June 1919, the paper moved to New York City and became the most important publication of the developing communist movement. In August, 1919, it changed its name to ‘The Communist’ (one of a dozen or more so-named papers at the time) as a paper of the newly formed Communist Party of America and ran until 1921.

PDF of full issue:

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