Traffic in Death: A Few Facts Concerning the International Munitions Industry by J.B. Matthews. Published by the League for Industrial Democracy, New York. 1934.

Traffic in Death: A Few Facts Concerning the International Munitions Industry by J.B. Matthews. Published by the League for Industrial Democracy, New York. 1934.

Contents: Investigations or Whitewash?, ‘Two Centuries of Progress’, Servants of Moloch, An Old Man in a Wheel Chair, Methods in Their Madness, The United States: The World’s Most Lucrative Arms Market, A Navy Secretary after an Admiral’s Own Heart, American Airplanes to the Aid of the Nazis, Munitions Manufacturers Foment War in Chaco, The Far Eastern Market for Arms, Arms and the System. 19 pages.

The League for Industrial Democracy (LID) was the successor to the Intercollegiate Socialist Society. Founded in 1921 to provide ‘Education for a New Social Order Based on Production for Public Use and Not for Private Profit’ many of its activists were around the Socialist Party. In 1922 ‘Socialist Review’ developed into ‘Labor Age’ and Norman Thomas became director. Some of its leading members would go on to form the Conference for Progressive Labor Action in 1929 led by AJ Muste. The LID produced a number of important pamphlets and studies through their Labor Publication Society and throughout much of the 1930s served as the base for the ‘Militant’ faction of the SP.

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