The Colonial Policy of British Imperialism by Ralph Fox. International Publishers, New York. 1933.

Ralph Winston Fox (1900–1936) was a British Communist, journalist, and historian. An early supporter of the Communist movement, Fox was a founding member of the British CP and traveled back and forth to the Soviet Union where he worked for the Comintern and wrote for the British Daily Worker. In 1929 he became a librarian at the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow. Fox returned to England in 1932 and wrote several important works, including biographies of Lenin and Genghis Khan and a two volume-history, ‘The Class Struggle in Britain’. He joined the International Brigades in Spain, the XIV Brigade, as a Commissar. Only weeks later, in one of the Brigade’s first actions, Ralph Winston Fox was killed while fighting fascists at the Battle of Lopera along with fellow British Communist, the poet John Cornford in late December 1936.

The Colonial Policy of British Imperialism by Ralph Fox. International Publishers, New York. 1933.

Contents: Introduction, First steps in colonial policy, Colonial policy in the period of industrial capitalism 1815-1895, Imperialism and colonial policy, British policy in India, Class struggle in India and the British ‘Reforms’, The Revolutionary Movement in India, British imperialism in Africa, The near-Eastern colonies, The military policy of British imperialism, The colonies and the working class, Appendices. 130 pages, with maps.

International Publishers was formed in 1923 for the purpose of translating and disseminating international Marxist texts and headed by Alexander Trachtenberg. It quickly outgrew that mission to be the main book publisher, while Workers Library continued to be the pamphlet publisher of the Communist Party.

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