Shop Paper Manual: A Handbook for Comrades Active in Shop Paper Work by the Central Committee Communist Party, U.S.A. Workers Library Publishers, New York. April, 1931.

Shop Paper Manual: A Handbook for Comrades Active in Shop Paper Work by the Central Committee Communist Party, U.S.A. Workers Library Publishers, New York. April, 1931.

Contents: Introduction, The Political Aspects of Shop Paper Work, Shop Conditions and Trade Union Work, Special Subjects (Women, Youth, Foreign-born, Race Question, National Minorities), Organizational Aspects of Shop Paper Work, How the Nucleus Works, Distribution, Financing the Paper, Where to Start a Shop Paper, Capitalizing Organizationally on Our Efforts, Miscellaneous Details, Choosing a Name, Face of the Party, Comradely Tone of Paper, Slogans Demands, Workers Correspondence, Address Date and Number, Clever Devices, Special Editions, Light Features, Quotations Verse, Mass Organizations, Abbreviations, Advertising Meetings, Company Organs, Technical Make-Up, Printed Multigraphed Mimeographed Papers, Conclusion. 42 pages.

Workers Library Publishers replaced Daily Workers Publishers as the main pamphlet printing house of the Communist Party in 1927. International Publishers was originally meant to translate works into English, but became the CP’s main book publisher.

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