‘The People Against the War Makers’ by Earl Browder. Workers Library Publishers, New York. 1940.

Speech from Communist Party General Secretary to the National Committee in February, 1940–the period after the German-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact and before the Nazi invasion, when the Party was advocating non-intervention into the Second World War.

‘The People Against the War Makers’ by Earl Browder. Workers Library Publishers, New York. 1940.

Contents: Effects of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, The Changed World Situation, Aggressive Role of American Imperialism, The Demagogy of “National Unity,” Looking Towards the 1940 Elections, Seeing Through Roosevelt, Roosevelt-Yesterday and Today, Back to Tweedledum and Tweedledee, Not Third Term But Third Party, Marxist-Leninist Concept of Democracy, What the 14th Congressional District Election Signified, How to Safeguard the Party, Party Literature to the Masses, Bring the Voice of the “Daily Worker” to the People, More Concentration on the Mastery of Theory, Building the Party and Its Leading Forces, For Closer Bonds With the Trade Union Masses, Attention to the Problems of the Negro People and the National Groups, Our Party’s Task in Regard to the Youth, For Intensified Work Among the Farmers, Pontentialities in Work Among Women, Aid to China and the Refugees from Spain, The Bolshevik Unity of Our Party.

Workers Library Publishers replaced Daily Workers Publishers as the main pamphlet printing house of the Communist Party in 1927. International Publishers was originally meant to translate works into English, but became the CP’s main book publisher.

PDF of original pamphlet: http://palmm.digital.flvc.org/islandora/object/ucf%3A5494/datastream/OBJ/download/The_people_against_the_war-makers.pdf

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