Foundations of Christianity; a Study in Christian Origins by Karl Kautsky. International Publishers, New York. 1925.

Karl Kautsky’s 1908 work published by the Communist Party’s International Publishers in 1925 as one of their first projects. Online text of full book here.

Foundations of Christianity; a Study in Christian Origins by Karl Kautsky. International Publishers, New York. 1925.

Contents: Introduction, The Personality of Jesus, The Pagan Sources, The Christian Sources, The Struggle for the Image of Jesus, Roman Society in the Slave-holding Period, The Slave-Holding System, a. Property in Land; b. Domestic Slavery; c. Slavery in the Production of Commodities; d. The Technical Inferiority of the Slave-Holding System; e. The Economic Decline, The Life of the State, a. The State and Trade; b. Patricians and Plebeians; c. The Roman State; d. Usury; e. Absolutism, Currents of Thought in the Roman Imperial Period, a. Weakening of Social Ties; b. Credulity; c. The Resort to Lying; d. Humanitarianism ; e. Internationalism; f. The Tendency to Religion; g. Monotheism. The Jews, The People of Israel, a. Semitic Tribal Migrations; b. Palestine; c. The Conception of God in Ancient Israel; d. Trade and Philosophy; e. Trade and Nationality; f. Canaan a Thoroughfare of Nations; g. Class Struggles in Israel; h. The Downfall of Israel; i. The First Destruction of Jerusalem, The Jews After the Exile, a. Banishment; b. The Jewish Diaspora; c. The Jewish Propaganda; d. Hatred of the Jews; e. Jerusalem; f. The Sadducees; g. The Pharisees; h. The Zealots; i. The Essenes, The Beginnings of Christianity, The Primitive Christian Congregation a. The Proletarian Character of the Congregation; b. Class Hatred; c. Communism; d. The Objections to Communism; e. Contempt for Labor; f. The Destruction of the Family, The Christian Idea of the Messiah, a. The Coming of the Kingdom of God; b. The Ancestry of Jesus; c. Jesus as a Rebel; d. The Resurrection of the Crucified; e. The International Redeemer, Jewish Christians and Pagan Christians a. The Agitation among the Pagans; b. The Opposition between Jews and Christians, The Story of Christ’s Passion, The Evolution of the Organization of the Congregation a. Proletarians and Slaves; b. The Decline of Communism; c. Apostles, Prophets and Teachers; d. The Bishop; e. The Monastery. Christianity and Socialism, Index. 480 pages.

International Publishers was formed in 1923 for the purpose of translating and disseminating international Marxist texts and headed by Alexander Trachtenberg. It quickly outgrew that mission to be the main book publisher, while Workers Library continued to be the pamphlet publisher of the Communist Party.

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